Start-up / Spin-off






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Volvero is a drive sharing app where owners can share their vehicles with drivers. Our app creates a system in which one can have access to a car, a motorcycle, or commercial vehicle in the most efficient and sustainable way saving time and money.

By registering on our platform owners can set the sharing time, distance, price, and other terms, being able to accept or decline drivers’ request. At the same time, drivers are able to choose any vehicle and terms of sharing that best suit their needs.

With the help of AI and advanced technologies, Volvero guarantees maximum security and transparency providing necessary information such as the performance of owners, drivers, and vehicles. Overcoming outdated paperwork, Volvero creates smart contracts at the start of the ride while one of a kind built-in insurance covers drivers and all kinds of vehicles.

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90 %

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20 %
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